Monday, 27 May 2013

London Index Project

For the last few years I've been working on a street photography project of London.

I've lived here for over thirteen years and for the majority of that time my main mode of transport has been Public. For the first few years, the only physical knowledge I had of the city was measured in time and by the tube map.

Since then, my current job has allowed me to travel through the streets on a daily basis, seeing its people and its buildings in relation to one another and to photograph the fleeting moments that happen while history is slowly being made.


The viewpoint I've had is from the passenger seat of a vehicle, which has made this city into one long film. I'm being dragged through an endless projection of events which sees time marked in both its ephemeral immediacy and its grinding unstoppable plod. I've made myself a custodian of both by recording some trace elements of the millions of events that happen every single second, of every single minute, of every single day. A tiny fraction of the hundreds of years of things happened, happening and about to happen.


Each image is layered with strata of time. I've caught the present by freezing an individual at a particular moment in time, who is then set against the background of the city which could be weeks, months or even centuries old.

London, like any city, is like an organism; constantly in a state of decay and regeneration. I've tried to make a document which reflects that change while considering the possibility that the pictures I'm taking may be viewed by an audience decades from now.


I've titled each picture with its date stamp. The exact moment in time it was taken.

This collection is intended to be a book. Hopefully, one of many books called London Index.

I'll be adding these and other images to my website in due course. Check here.


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